5 Reasons Kids Should Learn 3D Modelling

Action figures, puzzles, and blocks are all fun activities for kids. But what if there was a way to turn these activities into a creative and innovative learning experience? 3D modelling courses open up that possibility and provide children with a new way of creating things using technology.

3D modelling is the process of creating realistic three-dimensional objects on a computer. It can be utilised to create anything from simple toys and trinkets to more complex things like furniture and architectural structures. And what's surprising about it is that kids can learn the basics as early as seven.

Kids can learn the basics of 3D modelling by completing simple tasks such as creating 3D shapes. As they progress, they'll be able to apply their skills in more complex projects with greater accuracy and detail. By the end of some 3D modelling courses, some kids may even be able to design their own characters, buildings, and even entire cities.

Why is 3D Modelling Particularly Suited for Kids?

Through 3D modelling, kids can gain valuable future-forward skills, develop an understanding of design fundamentals, and better appreciate geometry and mathematics. But there are a lot of overlooked benefits to 3D modelling too. It is, for example, one of the best avenues for creative expression, as software's tools and possibilities are virtually endless.

Creative Expression

Children need to be able to express themselves. Some find it in music, others in art, while others in other non-traditional means such as video games like Minecraft and Roblox. 3D modelling allows kids to express their creativity in a wholly unique way. It enables them to create whatever they can imagine and develop their own 3D story. The possibilities are boundless!

Add the fun of 3D printing, and you've got the perfect combination for a kid's imagination to flourish.

Engaging and Challenging

3D modelling is both challenging and engaging. It encourages kids to push their boundaries, think outside the box, and take risks with their ideas. By doing so, they can develop problem-solving skills that will serve them well in the future.

Opportunities for Social Interactions and Collaborations

3D modelling is also a great way to inspire collaboration and teamwork. Many 3D modelling courses offer group activities that allow kids to work together on projects, learn from each other, and take ownership of their own designs.

5 Reasons Kids Should Learn 3D Modelling

As children learn the basics of 3D modelling, they'll also pick up essential skills that will help them throughout their lives.

Spatial Awareness

Spatial awareness refers to the ability to perceive, understand, and navigate one's environment in terms of space and movement. It involves understanding and being able to mentally manipulate the location, size, and relationships of objects and people in the environment.

Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking

Unlike video game making, where developers basically create everything within the game, including the natural laws of physics, 3D modelling is a creative endeavour that's more about problem-solving rather than creating an alternate reality.

With 3D modelling courses, kids will learn to create and manipulate objects within a realistic environment and develop the problem-solving skills needed to attain their goals.

Design Thinking

Often, a particular design fails because they’re created with an emphasis on form over function. Even today’s best designers can sometimes fall for this trap.  Design Thinking is a human-centred approach to design that aims to understand users' needs, wants, and limitations and then design solutions tailored to their specific needs.

Design thinking typically involves five key stages:

  • Empathise: Understand the users' needs, wants, and limitations by gathering information through research and observation.
  • Define: Spot, frame, and fully understand the problem at hand.
  • Ideate: Create a list of possible solutions.
  • Prototype: Create prototypes in CAD programs of the most promising ideas.
  • Test: Gather feedback from users and use it to improve the design further.

Kids learn design thinking through 3D modelling as they’re almost always creating things for themselves or for their friends to use or play with. But don’t think that design thinking is only for aspiring designers and architects.

This approach can be applied to various industries, such as product design, service design, urban planning, creative writing, and more. It aims to find solutions that are both functional and desirable to the end user, can be applied to many different types of problems, and are not limited to the development of a product or a structure; it can be applied to any challenge.

Software Proficiency

Learning 3D modelling gives children first-hand experience with computer technology, which is becoming increasingly important in today's digital world. They'll gain valuable knowledge and skills such as 3D rendering, animation, and virtual reality that they can use to help them succeed in the future.

Furthermore, they'll learn important software skills in CAD programs and 3D design software such as SketchUp, Blender, and Maya.


As children work on 3D modelling projects in a group setting, they'll also gain experience working in teams. By learning how to collaborate with others and sharing ideas, they can develop the skills needed to succeed in any workplace.

The Rise of 3D Printing

There was a time when 3D models were constrained within the bounds of the computer screen. They were nearly impossible to bring into the physical world. This all changed with the emergence of 3D printing, which has made it possible for kids to take their 3D models from computer screens and turn them into tangible objects. With 3D printing, the possibilities are seemingly endless!

And that's why teaching kids about 3D modelling is such a great idea. It offers them a unique opportunity to explore the world of 3D design and 3D printing and gain valuable skills along the way. With the right guidance, kids can make all sorts of exciting 3D designs that reflect their creativity and individual style.

The technology is also becoming quite accessible, with many 3D printers being offered specifically priced for home users. So, if you're looking for a creative outlet for your children, consider introducing them to the world of 3D modelling and printing today!