What is Personalized Learning System (PLS)?

In a rapidly developing world, it's more important than ever for parents to ensure their children have access to appropriate education and resources. The right educational tools can make a difference in whether or not a child develops the skills they need to succeed.

With the ubiquity of technology, many parents are looking into incorporating IT into their children's education. Here we'll explore what Personalized Learning System is and how it might benefit your child.

What is Personalized Learning System (PLS)?

A personalized learning system (PLS) is an adaptive learning platform that offers students individualized content, pace, and support. PLSs use data from student interactions to generate real-time recommendations about what students should do next in order to achieve their learning goals. In other words, PLSs provide students with a tailored educational experience based on their specific needs and interests.

There are many different types of PLSs available, but all share common features that include:

The ability to deliver targeted content

A PLS provides each student with personalised coursework based on their abilities and interests. This helps ensure that every child has access to the information they need to succeed without being overloaded with extraneous material.

Customizable pacing:

One of the great advantages of a PLS is its ability to adapt according to each student's needs. If a child is struggling with a particular concept, the PLS can provide additional explanation and practice problems until they feel confident moving on. Similarly, if a student grasps content quickly, the PLS can offer challenges and activities that allow them to move ahead at their own pace.

Dynamic assessment

A key component of any effective learning system is formative assessment - continuous feedback that allows educators to track progress and identify areas where students may need extra support. A good PLS will provide regular opportunities for formative assessment through quizzes, games, and other activities embedded within the content itself. This ensures that every child receives relevant feedback throughout their journey towards mastery of the material.

Personalized Learning Systems vs Traditional Education

It's important to note that personalized learning systems are not meant as a replacement for traditional classroom instruction - rather, they should be seen as complementary tool designed to supplement existing teaching methods. Some of the ways in which personalized learning systems differ from traditional education models include:

Student agency

In a traditional classroom setting, teachers typically dictate both the pace and direction of instruction according largely to state or national curriculum standards . Although this approach has some benefits - such as ensuring all students receive exposure to essential concepts - it doesn't allow for much flexibility when it comes accommodating individual differences in learners' needs and preferences . In contrast , personalized learning systems put control over learning firmly in students' hands . Rather than teachers telling kids what they need to now , these systems let students discover information for yourselves through interactive experiences catered specifically to their level of understanding.

Mastery-based progression

Most schools use the age-based grade levels progression model in which learners attend a class with peers born around the same time.This grouping method doesn't take into consideration the fact that individuals learn at different rates and often require more or less time to master certain concepts. As such, it is normal for there to be wide variation in achievement among students within any given grade. When mastery isn't emphasized however all students must still complete assignments and keep up with lessons taught in class even if they do not yet fully understand the material. This approach can result in great frustration for struggling learners who become conditioned to believe that academic success means never making mistakes and receiving perfect grades.

Increased focus on social emotional development

Many education experts argue that emphasizing social and emotional development is just as important as a focus on cognitive skills like math literacy. If "head" knowledge alone was sufficient we wouldn't see high dropout rates or bullying behaviors in our schools. Unfortunately, most curriculum standards place little importance on promoting social and emotional growth preferring instead to primarily focus on core academic subject matter. While cognitive development is crucial for eventual success in school it shouldn't be done at the expense of social emotional health.

Blended or entirely online delivery

Because PLS platforms are internet powered they open up a world of possibilities when it comes to formatting coursework. For example, classroom environments can be shifted entirely online allowing students to complete much of their work from home. When done well this type of learners also have greater freedom when working online to watch videos, reread texts and partake the Web, providing them with access to more comprehensive information than was typically available in traditional classrooms.